Prices & Paying


We ensure that the price of all goods and services we are offering are clear and easily found. We show the actual price clearly. There are no hidden extras, such as taxes, packaging or delivery. At time of order, we will confirm the actual price you will pay. If the nature of the transaction means that we may have to change the price between accepting your order and delivery, we will automatically give you the option to cancel your order and get your money back. In the event of human error or malfunction in the technology, the prices on the site do not commit us to sale.


High St. Price

This is a calculated price using industry standard wholesale & retail mark-ups. These prices are validated by customers feedback, mystery shoppers and independent valuations.


Our Price

This is the price you will pay, NO hidden extras, NO charges for credit card payments, Prices include VAT at 20% (sales tax).

We do operate a personal export scheme and the VAT is refunded for non E. U. domiciles when the item is exported. To calculate the tax free amount divide ‘Our Price’ by 1. 2


Today’s Price

This is the price you will pay today, this price is subject to daily fluctuation ruled by currency exchange rates and bullion prices.


Ways of paying


Credit Card

All credit and debit card payments are through a Sage Pay secure. Sage Pay’s systems are scanned quarterly by Trustwave which are an independent Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) and an Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) for the payment card brands.

Sage pay is also audited annually under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) and is a fully approved Level 1 payment services provider, which is the highest level of compliance. We are also active members of the PCI Security Standards Council (SSC) that defines card industry global regulation.


Debit Card (formerly is one of the few PCI compliant jewellers (on or off line) and to comply have to meet the PCI data security requirements by passing a SecurityMetrics® Site Certification vulnerability scan. (formerly is tested quarterly to ensure that high security standards are maintained, this significantly reduces the risk that this site will be compromised and credit card or other sensitive data will be stolen or misused. No customer card details are stored on line or on our office systems. Click Here to check our latest certificate.


Solo/Visa Electron - please call 01451-810595


Bank Transfer - please call 01451-810595




Google Payment

Credit via V12 FinanceV12 is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, licensed by the Office of Fair Trading and a member of the Finance and Leasing Association. For more information please Click Here.