Where should I buy a Diamond Engagement Ring?
Well, first of all you need to think about the most important factors for consideration when buying such a hugely important item. You need to ensure that the stones are of fine or exceptional quality for a Diamond Engagement Ring - and you must look for true value for money. There are other considerations such as the cut, colour, clarity and carat (size) of the stone(s) in the ring.
By all means ‘get your eye in’ by looking around the High Street jewellers, but as reputable as they may be, that is just not where the value is. Remember that they have the high cost of carrying their expensive stocks and very probably paying exorbitant High Street rents. This all has to reflect in the mark up and ultimately in the price you would have to pay. It’s clearly not called the ‘High Street’ for nothing! The jewellers will tend to display their better pieces in the window, so you can get your ideas formed without incursion into the shop and that way you can get round more of them in a shorter time to get some ideas.
Then your research can really begin. Okay, so the High Street is fine for some people, but you want to make sure that your Diamond Engagement Ring is of very fine quality at the optimum price for you, whilst at the same spending your hard earned money as wisely as possible. Another way to look at this is that you will want to get the very best value or maybe more ‘bang for your buck’ in the modern vernacular. Basically, you want to maximise the value against the budget you have set aside for your special Engagement Ring.
So, where then is the best value for money?
If you think about it, when you have bought high ticket items in the past, where were the very best deals you ever achieved? Usually straight from the manufacturer of course, with no mark up on stocking, wholesaling or retailing! Why should Diamond Engagement Rings be any different? Well, the short answer is that they have no need to be at all. In the region of 15 to 20 percent of Engagement Rings are now bought on line in both the UK and the USA, with an upward annual trend in e-Commerce of a 25 to 30 percent increase, compared with only one or two percent in retail growth. So, it's pretty obvious where the true value is and it is with the very top on line designers and manufacturers like ComparetheDiamond.com (formerly diamondgeezer.com), where you get outstanding value for money and perfection guaranteed. Certificated Diamonds and no risk purchasing with a Diamond Engagement Ring made to your own specification to your own budget in an award winning workshop, direct from the manufacturer in just 7 to 10 days.