Stacking Rings (formerly  will be launching their new range of Swarovski Crystal designer stacking rings on or before 1st May 2012. (formerly Stacking rings are the perfect gift as you can just keep stacking. Set in sterling silver, there's a beautiful range of Swarovski Crystals in an exciting collection of different shapes to make the (formerly stacking rings  stand out from all the rest. Stacking rings can be worn on their own with no end of choice of colours, shapes and styles which you can then build up with other stacking rings to create a set. The set will almost look like you bought the ring as one piece when in fact you can chop and change the order you wear your stacking rings or change how many stacking rings you want to make your ring look bigger or smaller. Here are a few tips to make your (formerly Stacking Rings that extra bit more special:

  • Choose Swarovski Crystals  that complement each other in colour, no one wants clashing stacking rings!
  • Make sure the rings fit comfortably on top of each other with no gaps between them, that would just look messy
  • The designs on your stacking rings should all go well together, different styles might make elements of your ring look out of place

Now you're ready, keep an eye out for (formerly's Swarovski Crystal stacking rings  then get stacking!