Romantic Ways to Propose at Christmas

Romantic Ways to Propose at Christmas


When is the Most Romantic Time to Propose?

A marriage proposal is something that you want to be romantic and memorable. It is after all the day you ask your loved one to spend the rest of your life with them. So the question is how do you make this day special. Maybe there is a special place, where you had your first date or first kiss. But when is the right time to propose? Winter. Christmas time. Why is December the time that most couple get engaged? Well, after all it is a particularly romantic season, and here are some examples of romantic ways to propose at Christmasto prove that. Also planning a proposal now for Christmas gives you plenty of time to make sure it’s perfect with the perfect ring from (formerly

Romantic Ways to Propose at Christmas Time

Mistletoe is a Christmas decoration with particularly romantic customs. With origins from Norse mythology, where it was seen as a symbol of love and friendship, the tradition of kissing under mistletoe was born. So over the Christmas season when you and your loved one are stood under that mistletoe don’t just give her a kiss, give her a gorgeous diamond engagement ring.

There are so many romantic ways to propose at Christmas time but this next idea is sweet, romantic but also simple. Sometime before Christmas purchase a customised bauble, there are many places you can get these. Get the words ‘Will You Marry Me’ spelled out on the decoration and as you are decorating the Christmas tree together hand her the bauble and pull out your ring.

Alternatively you could hang the ring itself on the Christmas tree and wait for her to find it. Sometimes a gentle nudge in the right direction may be necessary, tell her that the last present is hanging on the tree. When she finds the ring ask her to marry you.

Spelling the words ‘Will You Marry Me’ out in Christmas lights on the side or on the roof of the house is an incredibly romantic gesture but may not be easily pulled off. At some point secretly write the words and then when it gets dark turn the Christmas lights on with your loved one, and as her face lights up just like the lights, get down on one knee and hand her that diamond ring.

Whilst all of these ideas are perfect for the days running up to Christmas maybe you want to propose on the most memorable day of the year. Christmas day itself. A classic yet still romantic way to do this is wrapping the ring up and giving it to her on Christmas day. If you want it to be a surprise or if you think she may suspect a Christmas proposal than wrap the ring up inside several bigger boxes. That way when she sees the size of the present she will not suspect it is a ring. Inside each layer you could write out the words ‘Will You Marry Me’ with the last layer being the ring or go for an elaborate scheme like the man in this video


Celebrity Christmas Proposals

And if that isn’t enough to persuade you maybe these celebrity Christmas proposals will. Sam Cooper proposed to singer Lilly Allen over the Christmas holidays in Bali. Seal proposed to his girlfriend Heidi Klum in an igloo like structure on the 23rd of December. Aussie actress Holly Valance received a romantic proposal a week before Christmas when her boyfriend Nick Candy used torches and Christmas lights spelling ‘Will You Marry Me’.

So find the perfect engagement ring at (formerly and propose this Christmas.