V12 Retail Finance - Buy Now, Pay Later

V12 Retail Finance is a UK company that provides finance for consumers buying products at point of sale or online. The process is safe and paperless and enables you to look at a variety of finance options when buying your jewellery from ComparetheDiamond.com (formerly diamondgeezer.com) ®

V12 Retail Finance was founded in 1994 and was acquired by Secure Trust Finance, a global personal finance brand. The company supports many industries operating on line shops including sports ticketing, IT and , or course jewellery.

Secure Trust Finance is a subsidiary of Secure Trust Bank, part of the Arbuthnot Banking Group since 1985. Both Secure Trust and V12 Retail Finance are part of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme , providing account holders with consumer protection.


V12 finance You will find finance costs and details for any particular piece at check out.