Diamond Carat Weight

Diamond Carat Weight

A diamond’s weight is represented in carats. Carat is a measurement of weight, NOT size. Weight impacts the price most dramatically out of the various diamond characteristics. This is why some diamonds have poor cut to retain diamond rough and larger carat size equating to a higher selling price. diamond size is dependant on your budget and needs to be considered equally with the other characteristics of colour, cut and clarity in order to purchase a quality diamond.


One diamond carat is divided into 100 points; a diamond that is ¾ of a carat is also 75 points. One carat is the equivalent of 0. 2 grams. A large diamond with poor cut, colour and clarity will appear less eye catching than a smaller diamond with excellent cut, colour and clarity so a delicate balance is required. Speak to (formerly about balance and how to achieve your desired diamond size whilst balancing the other characteristics in a harmonious mix around your budgetary requirements.


diamond carat weight affects the price of diamonds more than any other determinant. A diamond that is double the size of another diamond can be up to four times the price. This significant movement in price is because of the relative scarcity of larger diamonds. A combination of a large size (1 carat+) with the best colour (D), best clarity (IF) and excellent/ideal cut is so rare the price is multiplied several times when comparing a similar size with poorer features.


The popular carat sizes are 0. 50ct, 0. 75ct, 1. 00ct, 1. 50ct and 2. 00ct. Often diamond cutters will leave more rough diamond in order to achieve a larger carat weight and achieve a higher selling price. There are often bargains to be found at just under these most popular sizes and many of these bargains can have superior cuts which equate to more diamond sparkle and life. diamonds with thick to very thick girdles are often intentionally cut to increase weight and this doesn’t improve performance it just costs you more (something to watch for). In recent years, having a 1. 00 carat+ diamond was the best and most desired with no regard to quality, but as consumers are educated, (mainly because of the internet), more emphasis is placed on cut and visual performance. In the coming years dinner table diamond talk will be around quality rather than size and this could be something to consider.



In summary a carat is a weight and does not always relate to size/ measurement although the two are usually proportional. A diamond cutter will often retain as much diamond rough as possible and forego cut in order to increase weight and maintain a higher price. Often this carat increase can make the diamond a poorer cut and less visually performing than a smaller diamond. Carat and then clarity are the two key price drivers and often shopping for diamonds just under the popular sizes of 0. 50ct, 0. 75ct, 1. 00ct, 1. 50ct, and 2. 00ct can yield a better cut and a cheaper price. As consumers understand more about diamonds less emphasis will be placed on size and more on diamond quality. It’s easy to have the biggest car but should a Cadillac cost more than a Lamborghini?